Fringe Freemasonry

New Acquisitions: Not Your Grandfather's Freemasonry; or, Books on Freemasonry, Esotericism, the Mystical, the Occult, and "Fringe" Freemasonry

Listed below are some recently acquired books that all address Freemasonry from some angle. The books range from those that contextualize Freemasonry within the Western esoteric tradition to the co-option of Freemasonry by individuals such as Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky, in ways that are decidedly outside the mainstream of Freemasonry. (Both the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as well as the Theosophical Society were influenced by Freemasonry.) And while most of the Freemasonry mentioned in the books below was never recognized by mainstream Masonic groups, these books give researchers the opportunity to study the subject of Freemasonry considered broadly, in all of its permutations. Many of the titles below are part of the SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions.

Victorian_Occultism Butler, Alison. Victorian Occultism and the Making of Modern Magic: Invoking Tradition (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Call number: 10.11.B985 2011

Faivre, Antoine. Access to Western Esotericism (SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions). Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.
Call number: 11 .F313 1994

Faivre, Antoine. Theosophy, Imagination, Tradition: Studies in Western Esotericism (SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions). Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.
Call number: 11 .F313 2000

Godwin, Joscelyn, et al. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor: Initiatic and Historical Documents of an Order of Practical Occultism. York Beach, ME: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1995
Call number: BF1429 .H47 1995

Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. Helena Blavatsky (Western Esoteric Masters). Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2004.
Call number: BP561 .A1 2004

Howe, Ellic. Fringe Masonry in England: 1870-1885. Rev. 2nd ed. Edmonds, WA: Holmes Publishing Group, 1999. [Originally published in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum 85, 1972.]
Call number: 14.9 .H69 1999

Johnson, K. Paul. The Masters Revealed: Madame Blavatsky and the Myth of the Great White Lodge (SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions). Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.
Call number: BP585 .B6 J63 1994

Perdurabo Kaczynski, Richard. Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley. Revised and expanded edition. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2010.
Call number: BF1598.C7 K33 2010

Kaczynski, Richard. The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley. San Francisco, CA: Weiser Books, 2009.
Call number: BF1598 .C7 K32 2009

McIntosh, Christopher. Eliphas Levi and the French Occult Revival (SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions). Albany: State University of New York Press, 2011.
Call number: 16.7 .C757 2011

Steiner, Rudolf. The Temple Legend: Freemasonry and Related Occult Movements. 2nd ed. East Sussex: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1997.
Call number: BP595 S894 T4613 1997

Steiner, Rudolf. "Freemasonry" and Ritual Work: The Misraim Service. Great Barrington, MA: Steinerbooks, 2007. Call number: 14.9 .S894 Z87 2007